The importance of immediate contraception following delivery?
Within 3 weeks after the birth, a non-breastfeeding woman can be fertile again, without having had her first menstruation. The ideal time to evaluate the patient’s future contraceptive needs and to discuss the individual benefits and risks is close to birth since it may be one of the few opportunities when she is in contact with medical services and acutely aware of the importance of contraception in future family planning.
Learn more about Dirk Wildemeersch.

Dr Dirk Wildemeersch, MD, PhD (1944-2018) has developed GYN-CS®. He was a passionate researcher for over 30 years and a developer of innovative intrauterine concepts and advanced drug delivery technology for contraception.
GYN-CS®: Immediate Post-placental contraception

More than 30 years ago, an article titled “Immediate postplacental IUD insertion: The expulsion problem” was published.
They concluded that “IPPI,”postplacental contraception, meets the basic requirements of any contraceptive method: easy insertion, safety, and high efficacy. But most of all, it enables contraceptive decisions at a time when the patient’s consciousness is highest. IUD insertion immediately after birth does not increase the risk of infection or uterine perforation, has no effect on uterine involution and/or resumption of menstrual activity, and has no negative impact on lactation. There has been a major problem with postplacental-related contraception: a much poorer retention of the IUD [2].
Low expulsion rates of GYN-CS®
The innovative GYN-CS® is developed as a solution for the high expulsion and displacement rates associated with traditional IPPI. The GYN-CS® inserter is specially designed and certified for post-placental use after a caesarean birth. GYN-CS® takes into account timing, uterine compatibility, and several other clinical complexities.
A major benefit of this technique is the direct vision and immediate access of the physician to the uterus during caesarean section. The method consists of the precise placement and fixation of a tiny anchoring knot in the fundus of the uterus immediately after the birth.
My name is Hazal Kutlucan, MD. I started inserting GYN-CS in 2018 and since then I have had a lot of experiences with the insertion and feedback of patients. Contraception is extremely important to prevent unintended pregnancies and early contraception following caesarean delivery is a great opportunity for women’s health. GYN-CS is an innovative contraceptive technology which requires a short learning curve for physicians and immediately provides reversible, highly effective contraception following caesarean delivery. Minimizing the incidence of undesirable, short interval pregnancies is possible with maximized use of the system.

GYN-CS® is developed and produced in Belgium. GYN-CS® is CE marked and internationally distributed.
Physician’s Information:
If you are interested in a training, please contact us!
Studies on post placental contraception with GYN-CS®
Kutlucan, H., Karabacak, R. & Wildemeersch, D. (2020). “Considerations on a new, frameless copper-releasing intrauterine system for intracesarean insertion and its future clinical significance: A review”. Turkish German Gynecological Association: Jun; 21(2): 130-133.
Ongoing clinical trial in the UZ Ghent University (Belgium): Roelens, K. (2020). “Study to evaluate the learning curve to anchor a frameless copper-releasing device (GYN-CS®) during Caesarean section with a follow-up of 3 years study”.
Azzam, M., Wildemeersch, D., Mustafa, H. & El-Kady, E. (2019). “Intra Caesarean Fixation of Frameless Copper IUD (GyneFix-CS 300)”. Nature and Science, 17(4).
Eser A., Unal, Albayrak B. & Wildemeersch D. (2018). Clinical experience with a novel anchored, frameless copper-releasing contraceptive device for intracaesarean insertion to prevent displacement and expulsion – A 3-month study. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health care. Aug;23(4):255-259.
Unal C., Eser, A., Tozkir E. & Wildemeersch, D. (2018). Comparison of expulsions following intracesarean placement of an innovative frameless copper-releasing IUD (GYN-CS®) versus the TCu380A: A randomized trial. Contraception, 98:135-140.
Wildemeersch, D. (2017). Intracesarean Insertion and Fixation of Frameless IUD for Immediate Postpartum Contraception. Clin Surg, 2:1536.
Wildemeersch, D. (2017). “Einsetzen und Fixieren eines rahmenlosen IUD/IUS während eines Kaiserschnitts”. Seminar in Gynâkologischer Endokrinologie – Band 6.
Karateke, A., Turgut, A., Özdamar, O. & Wildemeersch, D. (2017). “Intra-cesarean insertion and fixation of frameless intrauterine devices”. DOI: 10.4274/tjod.90532. Turk J Obstet Gynecol, 14:64-6.
Wildemeersch, D., Goldstuck, N. & T. Hasskamp. (2016). “Current status of frameless anchored IUD for immediate intracesarean insertion”. Dev Period Med. 20:7–15.
Wildemeersch, D. & Goldstuck, N. (2016). “The challenge to solve the expulsion problem of immediate postplacental insertion of IUD”. Contraception 94, 93–94.
Wildemeersch, D., Goldstuck, N. & Jannssens, D. (2015). “Immediate Post Placental Insertion of IUD-The Challenge to Solve the Expulsion Problem”. Obstet Gynecol Int J., 2(5):153-154. DOI: 10.15406/ogij.2015.02.00052.
[1] Thiery, M., Van Kets, H. & H. Van Der Pas. (1985). “Immediate postplacental IUD insertion: The expulsion problem”. Contraception 1985;31:332-34.
[2] Cole, L., Edelman, D., Potts, D., Wheeler, R. & L. Laufe. (1984). “Postpartum insertion of modified intrauterine devices”. J Reprod Med 1984; 29: 677-682.
[3] Chen B., Reeves M., Hayes JL., Hohmann H., Perriera L. & M. Creinin. (2010). “Postplacental or delayed insertion of the levonorgestrel intrauterine device after vaginal delivery: a randomized controlled trial”. Obstet Gynecol.116:1079-1087.
[4] World Health Organization Task Force on Intrauterine Devices for Fertility Regulation. (1980). “Comparative multicenter trial of three IUDs inserted immediately following delivery of the placenta”. Contraception Jul;22(1):9-18. doi: 10.1016/0010-7824(80)90112-2.
[5] Çelen, S., Sucak, A., Yildiz, Y. & N. Danisman. (2011). “Immediate postplacental insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive device during caesarean section”. Contraception 2011;84:240-3.